Blink 1996 By ??? "[unknown title]" Subject: Interview (2nd attempt) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 12:24:45 +0100 From: Gids To: Multiple recipients of list BLUE-EYED-POP I have already sent this message to BEP but to my knowledge it never arrived, very strange, anyway here it is again, and sorry if anyone did get it! Here is a Bjork Interview from Blink magazine, a free magazine which comes out of a new Cybercafe here in Bournemouth. It was conducted when Bjork was down here during her concert at the BIC. There are a couple of questions not asked before which is good. I think I'll pay them a visit while I can, its only down the road! The way people think that those who can sing can act I think__..I feel concerned but, like I've said this before but I feel very strongly that the world is full of actors who are racing car drivers, and racing car drivers that are actors. I'm a singer and I want to be a singer and consider myself quite lucky so I'm not going to kind of ruin that by getting greedy, and I would love to do musical plays. I've done some in Iceland. I've done so many things out there that the press over here don't know about. Q: Now that you're a household name in Britain, how do you feel? About____popular press? A: I think I m lucky because most people have been quite gentle with me, I've got some friends that I see who have Madmen chains hanging out at their places, I've always had really sweet people asking me for my autograph. It doesn't really bother me to be honest, and at the 'Paparazzi', they can make a big deal of it. I'm a down to Earth person and people find that Interesting, arid I still relate creativity with journalists, and I'm quite proud of that, you know? and they make you seem more interesting than you actually are, The other thing is the way they try speaking to my boyfriend, but I don't think they've got anything yet. He's quite calm and pretty reluctant to talk about his friends, so I've been quite lucky really because things could be a lot worse than they are, you see I was brought up in Ice-land in a little village where everybody knows everything about everyone. You see you British drink a lot more compared to Ice-landic people. 'That's because we Invented drinking Q: When approached by 'French and Saunders', How did you feel about the impression they did of Bjork? A: Very good actually, she called me and asked if she could do it. And she said she's a fan and everything, and I said that I was an even bigger fan, so I'm really honoured, and Um.. she said it back and I think it's a great honour to get there attention. Q: Do you feel the same way about the Spitting Image puppets? A: I've only seen that once, cause when that happened I had just moved to the country and after coming from Ice-Land with a background I have for 27 years and doing music since I was 6 or something silly like that, and being in the media since I was 9, and to move into a new country and them sussing me out in month_. They still find it strange that I haven't got two houses and stuff, but only have seen one sketch, because I usually haven't got time to watch television, I can only watch videos, But I saw it when I was singing like a fax machine that was so__..Techno, So I was like Yes, Full-on. Twentieth Century here I come, (Ha!). If that's what the British public think of me you know I'm fairy like and real reality, and I get really pissed off when people get into Escapism and Fantasy. Fantasy should only exist to go out hunting for something to bring it back, you just go to Fantasy land, but always return, like someone who goes to the cinema you know you go to a movie and your taken like to a planer 'X' or whatever, and when you walk out or the cinema its really dull and boring again. its kind of pointless really. I like things that add to reality. (obviously Bjork lost the plot completely with that one... Ed) Q: Do you consider yourself to be a sex symuo1? A: No I don't think anybody would consider themselves to be a sex symbol, because its a recipe for disaster. I think if anything, I'm well aware or keeping options open. I like, and I've said this many times before in previous interviews, that I have an option or ages (?), I am very stupid, I am intelligent, I'm clumsy, I'm a coward, I'm funny. I'm witty, I'm a five year old and I'm a sixty year old, and I don't want to let any of these things go, even though I get to say Thirty cause I'm not twenty nine any more, you know?, I want to be all of these things, and when I said the other day when I walk into a bank, I want full respect you know, at the same time the manager is being all arrogant and macho idiot, sixty years old or what ever with clogged veins in his heart because he's stressed or something. I'm going to give myself permission to behave like a ninety year old granny and put him in his place, you know. I'm not saying I would kill him in time, but that's my target. I think every human being has the right to feel sexy and have an erotic side to their life you know, and I'm not sort of denying myself of it that would be lying to say that, but also it isn't a big deal for me, It just takes too much time somehow, I've got to go and get dressed up and get highlights twice a year and then the rest 'just can't be bothered with really, Its just too boring really, and also what I find sexy myself isn't sexy to most people for me its just to have love for life and be excited and turned on by life in general, and that's what turns me on. I find it very hard to isolate that with those things with fishnet stockings, its the whole attitude of how you wake up in the morning, If you've got appetite for life then you've got a appetite for laughter. And doing tough things and doing things for the first time that have never been done before, and then you have appetite for sex as well. Its just a whole picture, and that's how I look at it. Q: Last year you came and worked in Ringwood (Town near Bournemouth) with TRICKY and did you enjoy working with such a range of diverse people such as Terry Hall, Tricky and Damo Alburn? A: Well I didn't meet them actually, I just met Tricky but YES its very very interesting to work with Tricky its a very real origin, One of two people in my life with an original energy. Q: Would you say GOLDIE is another one of them? A: He's very different, I don't know how to compare this. Goldie is one these people you meet, who is a genius with in general, knowing how to break for the right moment and give it every thing, life. Tricky, his strong point is the relationship between him and song, that's where his true genius lies. note. At this point it was far too late and we were all too tired Hence the end If an one want's to make some sense out of the rest of the taped interview, please feel free It's at the Cybercafe awaiting ears to strain and heads to boggle. Gideon ftp: